International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences

Volume (2) - Issue (1), 2016 pp 1-7


Biocontrol activity of solvent extracts of Datura metel and Acalypha indica against fungal leaf pathogen of Arachis hypogea


K. Radhika A. Kavitha Amirthanyagi and S. Raveendran


Datura metel and Acalypha indica are medicinal plants. These plants are rich in a wide variety of secondary metabolites such as tannins, terpenoid, alkaloids and flavonoid. Among the commercial crops, Groundnut (Arachis hypogea) is economically important and it is grown in India. The seeds contain 50% of non-drying oil and about 35% protein. Fungi are the most important common plant disease causing pathogen. 18 fungal species were isolated from infected A. hypogea plants. Bio control activities of the organic solvent plants extracts of D. metel, and A. indica was carried out on the various test micro organism using agar well diffusion technique. The extracts restricted the growth of pathogen on the media. The maximum inhibition zone was observed in the extracts of D. metel and A. Indica against Aspergillus niger and Fusarium oxysporum. The minimum inhibition zone was observed in Trichoderma harzianum. Increased concentration of extracts was more effective against fungi. Extracts of D. metel have max zone of inhibition compare to that of A. Indica. The present study concludes that D.metel was an effective bio control agent.


Biocontrol activity, Fungi, Datura metel, Acalypha indica, Arachis hypogea.

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Article History

Received on 11/10/2016, Accepted on 16/11/2016, Published on 29/01/2017