International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences

Volume (1) - Issue (4), 2016 pp 198-204


Effect of feeding Spirulina diets on the rates of metabolism and excretion and proximate compositions in Xiphophorus helleri


Nagarajan, R., R. Niranjani, J. Shoba and R. James


Spirulina diet significantly influenced the rates of metabolic and ammonia excretion and proximate composition in X. helleri. The rate of oxygen consumption decreased as the Spirulina level increased. A significant (P < 0.01) and negative correlation was obtained between rearing period and rate of oxygen consumption while ammonia excretion elicited the reverse trend in X. helleri fed all the Spirulina diets. The protein content increased with time and Spirulina levels in the diet. However, the trend was reversed in lipid and nitrogen free extract. Ovary concentrated more quantum of energy than muscle. The energy content in tissues was gradually increased with time and it elicited the better performance in fish fed with 15% Spirulina diet than other diets. Based on the results, the inclusion of Spirulina in the diet has beneficial effects on the reduction of metabolic stress and lipid level. The depression of metabolic stress conserves the feed energy and utilization of fat resulting the fish become flabby and attractive. 


Respiratory metabolism, Ammonia excretion, Organic reserves, Spirulina, Xiphophorus helleri.

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Article History

Received on 14/07/2016, Accepted on 28/08/2016, Published on 31/08/2016