International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences

Volume (1) - Issue (4), 2016 pp 191-197


Evaluate the effects of a pesticide synthetic pyrethroid to freshwater fish tissues of Esomus danricus (Ham.)


Saravanan, N., Uma, T., and Jothi Narendiran, N.


The present investigation was designed to compare the responses in freshwater fish Esomus danricus exposed to a cypermethrin [(R,S)-a-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl (1RS)-cis,tra-3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethyl cyclopropane carboxylate]. Cyoermethrin is a synthetic pyrethroid, in this effects may include both lethal and sublethal concentrations, which may change the growth rate of fish development, reproduction of the fish, physiology, histopathology, biochemistry and behavior on target organisms and undesirable perturbations in the environment. The effect was assessed on the basis of the comparison of results of GSI and HSI and histological examinations.  The present study showed that observed alterations in all GSI, HSI and histological observations of fish treated pesticide.


Esomus danricus, Cypermethrin, Toxicity, Histology.  

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Article History

Received on 01/08/2016, Accepted on 29/08/2016, Published on 31/08/2016