International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences

Volume (1) - Issue (3), 2016 pp 148-154


Study on the influence of different scent sources that attracts opposite and same sex of soft-furred  field rat Millardia meltada (Gray, 1837)


S. Kalaiyarasan and A. Amsath


The present study was carried out to evaluate the ability of to discriminate soft-furred field rat Millardia meltada rat odor from dif­ferent reproductive phases, with a view toward detecting the estrous phase. Experiments were also carried out to establish the relationship between the behavioral anal­yses were carried out in a Y-maze apparatus, in which the soft furred field rat were acclimatized in before Y maze apparatus. The number and duration of visits, and grooming behavior by male responders towards the gland samples were recorded. Intact male rat showed a higher response towards glands samples. These results suggest that rat have the ability to discriminate the different scent gland odour. The grooming behavior shown by males in response to scent glands may be taken as key parameters to produce specific odors that probably involve both intra specific and inter specific communication.


Millardia meltada, Scent glands, Behavioral anal­yses, Discrimination, Communication.

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Article History

Received on 15/06/2016, Accepted on 25/06/2016, Published on 30/06/2016