International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences

Volume (6) - Issue (2), 2021 pp 91-97


Ontogeny of anuran tadpole in western areas of Odisha


Bhagyashree Panda and Swapnananda Rath


Tooth structure of anuran tadpoles is not similar to jaws of vertebrates due to varying modes of feeding. Teeth in tadpoles are keratodonts which differs from calcified teeth and arranged in parallel transverse ridges. A total of thirty three variations of teeth row formulae were observed during all stages. Number of teeth rows both interrupted and uninterrupted on the upper and lower lips varied within a specific stage of development. Maximum interrupted teeth rows in upper lip were observed in Gosner stage thirty two and thirty seven and in the lower lip in stage thirty and forty of Polypedates maculatus tadpoles. Maximum of five rows in upper lip and three rows in lower lip were observed in stage thirty two. Teeth row development does not follow a definite pattern. There is no significant relationship between interrupted and uninterrupted teeth rows.


Anuran, Gosner stage, Relationship, Teeth row.

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Article History

Received on 10/04/2021, Accepted on 24/04/2021, Published on 30/04/2021