International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences

Volume (1) - Issue (3), 2016 pp 130-135


Determinations of minerals in marine crab Charybdis  lucifera (Fabricius, 1798)


Stella Irin Kumari, A., Murali Shankar, A., Jaganathan, K. and Soundarapandian, P.


Crab meat is an excellent source of minerals, particularly calcium, iron, zinc, potassium and phosphours. The minerals in the edible parts of muscle of Charybdis lucifera different sexes (male, female and berried female) were determined by digital flame photometer. Totally 11 minerals are reported in the present study. Seven (Sodium> Potassium >Magnesium >Calcium>Manganese> Iron >Zinc) minerals were reported in all sexes. Sodium was maximum (137.55 mg) and zinc was minimum (1.76 mg) in all sexes. Copper, mercury and cadmium were available in trace amount in all sexes. However, arsenic was in trace amount in berried females and totally absent in males and females. Among different sexes, berried females contain maximum amount of minerals (156.24 mg) followed by females (121.76 mg) and males (95.5 mg). 


Minerals, Digital flame photometer, Marine crab, Charybdis lucifera.

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Article History

Received on 13/05/2016, Accepted on 30/06/2016, Published on 30/06/2016