International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences

Volume (1) - Issue (2), 2016 pp 115-117


Phytoremediation studies on copper and lead contaminated soil by using Brassica junece


Rajakumar, R. and Ramamurthy, V.


Phytoremedation is an emerging technology that uses various plants to degrade contamination from soil and water. Brassica species close relatives of the well-known metal-accumulating wild mustards have received much attention. In the present studies investigated that the Brassica junecea was take up of concentrate toxic heavy metal like copper and lead from contaminated soil. The result revealed that the highest height of the B. juncea was observed in 8th weeks of pot IV (38 ± 0.4 cm) and followed by copper (37±0.5 cm) and lead (35±0.3 cm) contaminated soil respectively. The fresh weight of these plants was increased as compared to control (without metal mix). Increase in fresh weight shows that Pb and Cu (102.3±2.1 mg) at pot IV in favour of growth in B. juncea to compare with other experimental conditions. In this result to indicate the combination of Pb and Cu contaminated soil having height removal percentage at 8th week (48 %) and other group experiment also.


Phytoremediation, Brassica junecea, Contaminated soil, Heavy metal.

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Article History

Received on 03/03/2016, Accepted on 22/04/2016, Published on 30/04/2016