International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences

Volume (5) - Issue (3), 2020 pp 125-130


Histopathological study of infected ornamental fishes from Latur District (MS) India


Pethkar M.R. and Lokhande M.V.


The ornamental fishes are called “living jewelers” because of their shape, size, colour and behavior. All these characters decide their market value. The present investigation was aimed at the identification of fish diseases through histopathological observations of some diseased fishes. In the present study, the infected aquarium fishes were collected from various aquariums of Latur, the histological slides are prepared by using the traditional paraffin method and observed under the microscope it was found that the fishes are infected by the fungus which causes the disease saprolegniosis.


Ornamental fishes, Bacterial, Fungal, Histopathology.

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Article History

Received on 24/04/2020, Accepted on 10/05/2020, Published on 22/05/2020