International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences

Volume (4) - Issue (6), 2019 pp 264-268


A glimpse on the shimmering scales surfacing the gauzy wings of Cydalima perspectalis using light microscopy


Nidhi Soman, Surya. A. and Sheeba, S.


Cydalima perspectalis is a moth commonly called as Box tree moth belonging to the family Cambridae under the order lepidoptera. The present work focuses on the different types of scale cells present on the varied coloured wing areas. The study has been conducted experimentally by scrapping off different coloured scales to a glass slide and fixing it with xylene and observing it under a light microscope. The dimensions of the scales were also studied by measuring it using micrometry. A total of 92 morphologically distinct types of scales were studied, which includes 64 scales of the dorsal wing, comprising of 35 scales from white coloured region and 29 scales from golden tipped region. From brown spotted region of the ventral wing, 28 different types of scales have been examined. Analysis of dorsal wing areas revealed the presence of several light brown and white coloured scales. Some of these scales were very difficult to see with naked eye because of the transparent nature. Majority of the scales of this region were broad and flat and they have a length range of about 82.7 µm to 126 µm and width range of 55.1 µm to 90.5 µm. While examining the ventral wing scales it was observed that majority of the scales are brown in colour. The scales of this region appear to be short and wide having pointed edges. These scales also possess certain stripes on its surface which helps to absorb the light. On analysing the ventral wing it was found that majority of the scales were brown in colour and most of these scales were short and wide. Dimensional analysis revealed that the scales of this area have a length range of about 70.9 µm to 126 µm and width range of about 55.1 µm to 90.5 µm. The results of this work demystified that, even though the moths are not as much attractive  as other members of the order Lepidoptera including butterflies, their gauzy wings are blanketed with variety of  powdery stuff known as ‘scales’ on its surface, that are marvelously beautiful, irrespective of their intricate markings and patterns.


Gauzy wings, Light microscopy, Micrometry, Moth, Powdery stuff.

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Article History

Received on 11/11/2019, Accepted on 23/12/2019, Published on 25/12/2019