International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences

Volume (4) - Issue (6), 2019 pp 237-244


A review of the behaviour of farm animals: A prelude to their handling and management


Arogbodo, J.O. and Aro, S.O.


This paper attempts to address the subject: animal behaviour and its importance, which is sine qua non to their handling and management. Animal behaviour comprises all the ways and manners in which animals relate with members of their species, organisms of other species and their environment. It is a very pivotal area of animal production and yet most neglected by many farm owners, farm attendants and farm workers either due to ineptitude or sheer neglect. Animal behaviour has to do with their eating and drinking habit, thermoregulation, communication, courtship, reproduction, parturition, agonistic, care-giving and care-soliciting, eliminating, gregariousness, allelomimetic, investigative, shelter-seeking, avoidance, territoriality, hearing and sight, maladaptive behaviour among others. In depth knowledge of the above and other behaviour of farm animals are indispensable to their handling, productivity, profitability, and sustainability.


Knowledge, Livestock, Production, Safety.

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Article History

Received on 03/11/2019, Accepted on 11/11/2019, Published on 14/12/2019