International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences

Volume (1) - Issue (2), 2016 pp 100-105


Histomorphological changes of scent glands in soft furred field rat, Millardia meltada


S. Kalaiyarasan and A. Amsath


The histomorphological changes of four scent glands viz., preputial, flank, armpit and cheek glands were studied in soft furred field rat species of Millardia meltada. The size and weight of the glands measured to identify the variation among the glands of male and female rats. The histomorphological changes of the glands under the transmission electron microscopic study gives a clear picture about the secretary functions of the scent glands which gives variations among the scent glands. The morphological parameters of male and female glands were significantly varied each other. All the scent glands are modified sebaceous glands comprising of irregular shaped lobules or follicles or acini. The Microscopy analysis showed that the pair of preputial glands located on each side of the penis in male and clitoris in the female. Two pairs of flank glands were located on either side of the flank region, two pairs of armpit glands are present on each side of the armpit region and two pairs of cheek glands wise one pair on each side of the head between the ear and eye. The morphological parameters significantly varied from gland to gland of male and female. All the scent glands are modified sebaceous glands comprising of irregular shape lobules or follicles. The proportions of sebaceous and apocrine units differ among the glands. The secretary droplets accumulate in the cells and the debris pass along with the secretion through the ducts.


Scent glands, histomorphology, Secretary functions, Millardia meltada

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Article History

Received on 02/04/2016, Accepted on 23/05/2016, Published on 30/04/2016