International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences

Volume (3) - Issue (6), 2018 pp 444-448


Anti-oxidant activity of Mirabidis jalapa and Curculigo orchioides


Vijayadevan, K. and Dhanapakiam, P.


Antioxidants are helpful in the defense mechanism of body against different pathogens. The use of plant derived antioxidants is helpful against many degenerative diseases like Parkinson, Alzheimer and Cancer. This evaluation gives an overlook to the different methods used to determine antioxidant capacity of different antioxidants. The explanation of analytical performances and principles of different methods used for the determination of antioxidant capacity involve techniques are discussed in detailed.


Antioxidants, DPPH, Mirabilis jalapa, Curculigo orchioides.

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Article History

Received on 20/03/2018, Accepted on 13/12/2018, Published on 13/12/2018