International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences

Volume (3) - Issue (4), 2018 pp 362-368


Identification of meiotic (Pachytene) chromosome in male Syrian hamster


Neeta Raghuveer., Jayaprakash., G. and Venkatachalaiah


In many mammals, especially rodents, centric fusions of acrocentric chromosomes constituted the most common mechanism of chromosome structural changes during the course of karyotypic evolution. The present study is an attempt to present here a detailed description of early meiotic stages (i.e. pachytene diplotene and diakinetic configurations) with an emphasis on the identification of distinctive features of the elongated chromosome (chromomeric) sequences. This together with a prometaphase idiogram could provide a schematic representation of Syrian hamster meiotic chromosomes, especially of X and Y chromosome behavioral patterns during the early meiosis.


Mammals, Chromosomes, Idiogram, Meiosis.

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Article History

Received on 06/08/2018, Accepted on 17/08/2018, Published on 24/08/2018