International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences

Volume (3) - Issue (1), 2018 pp 99-103


Effect of copper and moringa diet on survival and behaviours in cyprinus carpio


J. Sakthi Bama, R. Niranjani, L. Roselin Rajathi, and R. James


The effect of copper toxicity and Moringa diets on survival and behavioural responses in fresh water fish Cyprinus carpio, was studied for 96 hr LC50  as a function of body size groups. The 96 hr LC50 value of C. carpio fed with control diet was low as compared to fish pre-fed with Moringa diets (25 and 50%). LC50 value was low in small size group as compared to large size group. However, the LC50 value in relation to unit weight was high in small size group (0.99 ppm) in relation to large size (0.35 ppm). It showed that, copper elicited the three times more toxicity in small size groups than in large size group fed with control diet; however it was reduced to two times in Moringa fed diets groups. The 96 hr LC50 value increased in Cu exposed fish pre-fed with Moringa diets; however, it responded well in large size group as compared to small size group of C. carpio. Hence the present study, Moringa diet reduced the copper toxicity and thereby increase the 96 hr LC50 value in copper exposed C. carpio pre-fed with Moringa diets.


Cyprinus carpio, Moringa, Copper toxicity, LC50, Size groups.

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Article History

Received on 24/01/2018, Accepted on 17/02/2018, Published on 20/02/2018