International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences

Volume (3) - Issue (1), 2018 pp 61-70


Evaluating floral diversity of Gudekote Bear Sanctuary with reference to feeding ecology of Sloth Bear,  Melursus ursinus


K.S. Abdul Samad And B.B. Hosetti


Abstract: A detailed survey was conducted to understand the habitat structure by employing 100 x 5 meters quadrates during June 2015 to May 2016 at three different forest blocks of Gudekote Bear Sanctuary. Little is known about the habitat preference of Indian sloth bear Melursus ursinus that found in North-eastern Karnataka. The study was undertaken to assess the floral structure of the Bear Sanctuary required for the conservation of viable population of Melursus ursinus to facilitate the future survival. All together 114 plant species belonging to 44 plant families were recorded of which 50.87% trees, 27.19% shrubs, 15.78% herbs and remaining 6.14% are climbers respectively. Fabaceae family members are more dominantly distributed at all the forest areas and 23 plant species are recorded as bear eating fruits. Despite its small size Gudekote bear sanctuary contain more number of shrubs and fruiting plants supporting a suitable population of Sloth Bears in it. Thus, protection of this floral diversity within the sanctuary is very much essential for the long term conservation of Sloth Bears.


Sloth Bear, Gudekote Bear Sanctuary, Bear food Plants, Floral diversity, Ballari District, Deccan Plateau.

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Article History

Received on 26/01/2018, Accepted on 03/02/2018, Published on 05/02/2018