International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences

Volume (3) - Issue (1), 2018 pp 9-17


The influence of pH and salinity on the distribution of hydradephagan beetles


G. Senthil Kumar, P. Kalaimagal, J. Issaquemadani and J. Sugumaran


This study attempts to establish the Macroinvertebrate communities of adult hydradephagan beetles were collected from 100 water bodies of Kancheepuram Lake District. The distribution of forty five species of Adephagan beetles has been related to acidity (pH) and salinity (‰) by use of the Index of Representation (I.R.). Distribution and abundance of hydradephagan beetles may probably be dependent upon water pH which is 5.6 and above, they also show significant preferences or aversion to the various classes of salinity.


Dytiscidae, Noteridae, Gyrinidae, Haliplidae, Acidity, Salinity, Distribution.

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Article History

Received on 08/11/2017, Accepted on 22/11/2017, Published on 12/01/2018