International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences

Volume (3) - Issue (1), 2018 pp 1-8


Evaluation of phytochemical constituents of Moringa oleifera (Lam.) leaves collected from Puducherry region, South India


G. Shanmugavel, K. Prabakaran and Binu George,


Moringa oleifera (Lam.) is a plant that possesses high nutritional value and has been used in folklore medicine to treat various and socio-economic benefits. In the present study, we have investigated the phytochemicals constituents of M. oleifera leaves extracts by biochemical method and Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer (FTIR). The qualitative phytochemical screening indicated presence of alkaloids, triterpenoids, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, glycosides and carbohydrates in the leaves extract. The quantitative analysis of the M. oleifera leaves aqueous extract showed high content of Vitamin C and active compounds such as Polyphenols and Flavonoids which has a strong antioxidant activity. The infrared spectral data revealed the following bonds: O-H, N-H, C=O, N-O, C-N, C-H and C-Br that are diagnostic markers of aliphatic as well as aromatic compounds. The methanolic extract of M. oleifera leaves showed the presence of characteristic functional groups like alcohol, hydroxyl, alkane, aldehydes, alkenes groups, nitro compounds, aromatic amines, aliphatic amines and alkyl halides etc. Presence of phytochemicals indicates nutritional and medicinal properties of M. oleifera leaves.


Moringa oleifera, FTIR spectroscopy, Nutritional plant, Medicinal plant.

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Article History

Received on 13/11/2017, Accepted on 22/11/2017, Published on 12/01/2018