International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences

Volume (2) - Issue (5), 2017 pp 207-210


Diet composition of black kite (Milvus migrans) inhabiting the arid zone of Rajasthan, India


Sharma, S.K., Soni, K.C. and Soni, V.C.


The diet composition of the black kite (Milvus migrans) was studied during the 2012-2014 in twelve microhabitats in and around Churu city (28o 15’ N and 74o 55’ E, 286 msl) of Rajasthan, India. Stomach content analysis, fecal pellet analysis and field observations method was used to study diet composition of the black kite found in different microhabitats. Observations were taken in twelve viz. waste water body (WWB), municipal garbage dumping station (MGDS), animal dead body dumping station (ADBDS), agriculture field (AF), sand dune (SD), forest area (FA), slaughter house (SH), grazing field (GF), out skirts area of highways (OSH), human inhabitation (HI), graveyard area (GYA) and garden area (GF).Thirteen species of prey, belonging of six prey groups were registered in the diet. The most common prey was rodents, primarily rats and carrion of mammals. The second important group of food was birds, insects, lizards, snakes, frogs, sweats and snacks supplemented the diet. It was seen prey remains in the nest and nesting area of the black kite during the field observation. There are maximum prey’s remains of other food material and minimum remains of prey reptiles at about 28.78% and 6.06%. Maximum biomass percentage 321.81% is from reptiles and minimum biomass percentage 0.30% from insect by the black kite.


Diet composition, Indian black kite, Arid zone, Maximum biomass, Minimum biomass.

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Article History

Received on 02/05/2017, Accepted on 14/09/2017, Published on 03/10/2017