
International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences Research Article

Assessment of commercial fish catches in aghien lagoon (West africa, côte d’ivoire)

Aké Théophile Bédia, Coulbaly Bakari, Aristide Yao konan and Valentin N’douba

Year : 2022 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 14-20


Received on: 2022-06-09

Revised on: 06/25/2022

Accepted on: 07/20/2022

Published on: 07/26/2022

  • Aké Théophile Bédia, Coulbaly Bakari, Aristide Yao konan and Valentin N’douba( 2022).

    Assessment of commercial fish catches in aghien lagoon (West africa, côte d’ivoire)

    . International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences, 7( 4), 14-20.

  • click to view the cite format


Gears fishing effort, catch per unit effort and fish productions were investigated in Ebrie lagoon (Aghien sector) from march 2020 to april 2021. Samplings were carried out by mean of artisanal commercial fisheries. Six type of fishing gears namely gillnets, cast nets, bamboo traps, traps, hooks and beach seines were used throughout the lagoon. The highest values of fishing effort were recorded with gillnets and traps whereas the lowest values were recorded with hooks and bamboo traps. About 39% of total catches were recorded with gillnets followed by traps with 18% whereas the lowest CPUE were recorded with hooks, and beach seine with 4% and 12% respectively. The most important value of production was recorded with gillnets (63.678 tons / 52.28%) followed by bamboo traps (19.375 tons / 15.90%) whereas the lowest value of production was recorded with hooks (6.219 tons /5.10%).


Artisanal fisheries, fishing gears effort, CPUE, fish production, Aghien lagoon.