
International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences Research Article

Impact on economy of India due to variations in climate

Kalpana Singh, Preeti Adhana and Vandana Garg

Year : 2022 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 5-8


Received on: 2022-06-06

Revised on: 19/06/2022

Accepted on: 2022-06-26

Published on: 07/07/2022

  • Kalpana Singh, Preeti Adhana and Vandana Garg( 2022).

    Impact on economy of India due to variations in climate

    . International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences, 7( 4), 5-8.

  • click to view the cite format


India has a fascinating position in climate variability and economic progress. With abundant resources, but lacking in capital and technical expertise, the route to a net-zero-carbon economy in India is a long race. Climate change initiatives that are implemented immediately, such as COP26, are frequently met with resistance and put the economy under burden. Changes in climate have inexorably altered climate patterns and are now causing significant economic damage in India. However, failing to strive for a low-emission economy will stymie future progress. Climate change has an impact on agriculture as well, putting half of India's people at risk. The above-mentioned concerns are the subject of an empirical analysis in this paper.


Climate, Development, Economy, Environment.