
International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences Research Article

Phylogenetic analysis of snake using cytochrome b gene sequence

Anita S. Jadhav

Year : 2021 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 104-109


Received on: 03/12/2021

Revised on: 04/20/2021

Accepted on: 04/22/2021

Published on: 04/30/2021

  • Anita S. Jadhav( 2021).

    Phylogenetic analysis of snake using cytochrome b gene sequence

    . International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences, 6( 2), 104-109.

  • click to view the cite format


Phylogenetic analysis of two species of snake Eryxcolubrinus loveridgei and Ptyas mucosus was investigated using the gene encoding cytochrome b. The nucleotide sequences of complete and partial mtDNA cytochrome b were determined in numerous specimens. Sequence divergence between species and genera was evenly distributed in the cytochrome b gene but rather high compared to reports for other fish species. Phylogenetic analyses on complete cytochrome b were used to study the relationships among the considered species. The molecular phylogeny of sample was determined by analyzing cytochrome b gene sequences. On the basis of position of sequence of the given python sample in the phylogenetic tree, the sample showed closest similarity with E. loveridgei and P. mucosus.


Eryxcolubrinus loveridgei, Ptyasmucosus, DNA sequence, Cytochrome b, Phylogenetic analysis.