
International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences Research Article

Received on: 12/07/2020

Revised on: 12/20/2020

Accepted on: 12/23/2020

Published on: 12/31/2020

  • Haroon Bashir( 2020).

    Antifertility activity of ethanolic and aqueous extracts of Crocus sativus (saffron) on female rats

    . International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences, 5( 6), 295-298.

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Ethanolic and Aqueous extract of Crocus sativus (Saffron) was study, antifertility activity in proven fertile female Wistar Rats at the doses 50mg/kg b.wt./day for 30 days. Different parameters were studied in female wistar rats including effect of Reproductive outcome, Anti-implantation, Abortifacient study and Estrogenic and Anti-estrogenic activity, Phytochemical were observed. Saffron shown positive test for Alkaloids, Steroid, Flavonoids, Terpene, Carbohydrates and Tannin. The extract of C. sativus has anti-fertility effect the control rats showed good number of litters. After 21 days of the extracts free period, the antifertility effect of the extracts was reversed. The extract treatment with saffron, an increase in the percentage of resorption index indicates the failure in development of embryo. The decrement in implantation caused  by the extracts may be due to estrogenic or anti-estrogenic activity. Clinical assessment of female antifertility agents should include acceptability, safety and efficacy during and after the treatment. The present study was therefore carried out to evaluate the claimed antifertility effect of saffron using different aspects of reproductive physiology in female wistar rats.


Antifertility, Anti-implantation, Abortifacient, Estrogenic, Antiestrogenic.