
International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences Research Article

Effect of Ziziphus jujube leaf extract on kidney of freshwater fish, Oreochromis mossambicus

J. Roopavathy, B. Karpagam and D. Vigneshpriya

Year : 2020 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 210-216


Received on: 08/02/2020

Revised on: 08/24/2020

Accepted on: 08/26/2020

Published on: 08/30/2020

  • J. Roopavathy, B. Karpagam and D. Vigneshpriya( 2020).

    Effect of Ziziphus jujube leaf extract on kidney of freshwater fish, Oreochromis mossambicus

    . International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences, 5( 4), 210-216.

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The effects of Ziziphus jujube leaf extract on the histopathology of kidneys of the freshwater Oreochromis mossambicus were investigated. The LC50 after 96 hrs of exposure to the aqueous extracts of elanthai Ziziphus jujube were 0.11 ml/l and 0.33 ml/l, respectively. Histopathological changes of kidneys were recorded when effects of O. mossambicus were exposed to 10% and 30% of 96 hrs LC50 of each aqueous extract for 15 days. Fish kidneys exposed to sub lethal concentration of 10% (0.11 ml/l) Ziziphus leaf extract slightly changed the structure of Bowman's capsule, Glomerular shrinkage, Neurotic changes, 30% (0.33 ml/l) of Z. jujube leaf extract affect the level of severity of lesions increase in exposure time. Renal capsule, Tubular, Distal convoluted tubule; Erythrocytes in glomerular capillaries were severely damaged. Therefore the present study concluded that the aqueous extracts of Z. jujube should be used with precaution in the agricultural fields. Nevertheless these plants can be recommended as an environmentally sound alternative for synthetic processes for fish. It will provide new opportunities.


Ziziphus jujube,Glomerular shrinkage,Severely damaged,Histopathology.