
International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences Research Article

Fluoride induced toxicity on amino acid, DNA and RNA of rat, Rattus rattus (Wistar)

Dipali Pillewar, Smita Patil, Bhavana Pillai and S.S. Pawar

Year : 2019 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 278-280


Received on: 10/10/2019

Revised on: 11/05/2019

Accepted on: 11/07/2019

Published on: 12/31/2019

  • Dipali Pillewar, Smita Patil, Bhavana Pillai and S.S. Pawar( 2019).

    Fluoride induced toxicity on amino acid, DNA and RNA of rat, Rattus rattus (Wistar)

    . International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences, 4( 6), 278-280.

  • click to view the cite format


Fluoride is a naturally occurring contaminant in the water and it is essential for normal maintenance of teeth and bones. However, prolonged exposure to high concentration of fluoride is found to be deleterious to teeth, bones, and other organs. In the present study, the effects of sodium fluoride induced toxicity in rat liver were evaluated. Twenty rats were divided into four experimental groups containing 5 rats each. 1st group was used for control and 2nd, 3rd and 4th groups were ingested with different concentrations of sodium fluoride water respectively for 56 days. The result of the present study was showed as significantly increased in total amino acid and free amino acid concentration along with a decrease in DNA and RNA content of the rat as compared to control.


Sodium fluoride, Liver, DNA, RNA, Amino Acid.