
International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences Research Article

Study of agenesis of the palmaris longus tendon in two Indian populations - A sampling method

Zoyeb Mohamed Zia and M. Asrar Sheriff

Year : 2018 | Volume: 3 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 423-433


Received on: 10/04/2018

Revised on: 11/03/2018

Accepted on: 11/05/2018

Published on: 11/29/2018

  • Zoyeb Mohamed Zia and M. Asrar Sheriff( 2018).

    Study of agenesis of the palmaris longus tendon in two Indian populations - A sampling method

    . International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences, 3( 6), 423-433.

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The presence or absence of the tendon Palmaris longus (PL) is a study of growing importance due to its use in tendon graft surgeries and its possible link to evolution. It is estimated that its agenesis is prevalent in about 14% of the general population. The present study aims at determining the prevalence of absence of Palmaris longus (PL) among two ethnic groups within Tamilnadu, South India – the South Indians and the Northeast Indians.


Evolution, Palmaris longus, South India, Tendon.