
International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences Research Article

Received on: 07/24/2018

Revised on: 30/24/2018

Accepted on: 08/01/2018

Published on: 08/17/2018

  • Saurabh Ranjan and Gagan Kumar Thakur( 2018).

    Study of the corpuscular hematological parameters related to growth, development and behavior of the feral pigeon

    . International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences, 3( 4), 344-349.

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Humans have observed birds from the earliest times and stone age drawings are among the oldest indications of an interest in birds. Many aspects of bird biology are difficult to study in the field. These include the study of behavioral and physiological changes that require a long duration of access to the bird. Studies in bird behavior include the use of tamed and trained birds in captivity. Studies on bird intelligence and song learning have been largely laboratory based. Studies of bird migration including aspects of navigation, orientation and physiology are often studied using captive birds in special cages that record their activities. The present study was designed with the following objectives to study and analyze corpuscular hematological parameters related to reproduction, growth, development and behavior of the domestic or feral pigeon.


Corpuscular hematological parameters, feral pigeon, Reproduction , Growth, Behavior, Feral pigeon.