
International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences Research Article

Toxicity and bioaccumulation of mercury on the juvenile of Asian sea bass, Lates calcarifer (Bloch)

M. Fazildheen, A. Maharajan, V. Ganapiriya and A. Amsath

Year : 2018 | Volume: 3 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 231-238


Received on: 02/10/2018

Revised on: 04/20/2018

Accepted on: 04/25/2018

Published on: 04/30/2018

  • M. Fazildheen, A. Maharajan, V. Ganapiriya and A. Amsath( 2018).

    Toxicity and bioaccumulation of mercury on the juvenile of Asian sea bass, Lates calcarifer (Bloch)

    . International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences, 3( 2), 231-238.

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Combination in aquatic ecosystems is perennial due to different toxicants entering through fabricated activities. Heavy metals may precipitate, get absorbed on sediment particles, remain soluble or suspended in water, these are absorbed by aquatic fauna upon their entry into water bodies. This study aimed to determine the levels of mercury in the gills, liver, kidney, muscles, fin and scales of Asian Seabass   Lates calcarifer.  Mercury was chosen because at higher concentrations it might become toxic to the fish and by extension to fish consuming humans too. The results demonstrate that the concentrations of mercury were higher in the liver followed by kidney, gills, muscle, fins and scales. Metal accumulation varied significantly in tissues of sea bass between different concentrations and periods. The liver is reported to be the primary organ contaminated by mercury in this fish. 


Acute toxicity, Bioaccumulation, Mercury, Juvenile sea bass.